Abov the Noise – July 2024

July 2024 – Issue #22

Abov: Elevate Your Whiskey

Summer is here and with it a lull in the whiskey world as distillers heads outside to drink the whiskey they’ve spent all year creating. Never fear though! We’ve combed through the news that is out there to find the most interesting nuggets to read while you sit, sip, and enjoy the summer sun.

Fun fact: 65 countries celebrate Independence Day from the British Empire across the world, 7 of which, including the United States, are in July. Cheers to freedom!

Zombie Distilleries!

Ghost distilleries and orphan barrels always cause a stir for one reason, once the juice is gone, it’s gone. Legacy distilleries like Port Ellen, Rosebank, and Brora haven’t distilled any whiskey for years which is what makes any bottles that do hit shelves so alluring. But that’s changing soon as these distilleries, buoyed by the power of their popularity, are coming back from the dead. Brora was resurrected in 2021, with Port Ellen and Rosebank re-opening in the last few months. Who knows if the new stuff will be as good as the old? At least there will be more of it!



Elements 2.0

Just in time for summer Laphroaig released their second whisky from the Elements series. Elements 2.0 diverges from the traditional distilling process by spending twice as much time fermenting. This results in a much sweeter and fruitier whisky than their traditional stuff. The combination and sweet, fruit, and the classic Islay peat/salt combination are said to be perfect for a hot summer’s day. We’re certainly keen to try it.

What to do with Bad Whiskey

We all have that bottle on our shelf that we know is terrible. Whether you bought it on someone’s recommendation or after having a distillery tasting go on a bit too long, it’s just not drinkable. Rather than have it continue to take up space on the shelf, what if there was a way to transform it? Coffee-infusion! With just a handful of beans, you can completely transform the flavor of the whiskey. Will this save the bottle? Only you know.  But as an added bonus you’ll have some whiskey-washed beans you can try in your next cup of coffee which you’re certainly drinking from this mug!



2024 Inductees

The Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame has been celebrating the lives and accomplishments of great individuals since 2001. This year’s class includes both well-known and lesser-known individuals who all made a major contribution to the globally recognized brand that is Kentucky Bourbon. It may be wishful thinking, but we hope to find ourselves on one of these lists some day as we continue to bring all forms of whiskey into the digital age and beyond!



Blanton’s Single Barrel Bourbon

Not unlike the political climate in nation’s across the globe, Blanton’s has grown increasingly polarizing in recent years. Is it actually good bourbon? Why has it gotten so expensive? Why does your one collector friend have 25 sealed bottles in his cabinet? Is it true that a whiskey genie is summoned when you collect all the unique Blanton’s toppers?
While we can’t answer any of those questions for you, there is no denying the perfect storm of Buffalo Trace bourbon, great  bottle design, clever marketing, and a hot American whiskey market!

MidnightCheese – Corsair Triple Smoke Small Batch – 92/100

“Lots of smoke in the best way. I tried this ten or so years ago and it was very harsh. Lots of heat. Tried it again recently during a distillery tour and was amazed how smooth it was. Our guide talked about how much this has really been dialed in over the years. One of my all-time favorites.”


Amanda – @ATorgABOV

First off, yes I was lucky enough to get a taste of this. While not the most recent edition of the Boss Hog series (They’re up to version 10), it certainly was a treat to get to try even a single dram of this rare and exceptional whiskey.
My first thought? This is one hot hog. An intense rye body, thick and unctuous, is followed by a sweet and funky rum finish. A swirl of deep and complex flavors creates a completely unique whiskey and a worthy successor to the title of “World’s best rye” from a brand that knows how to make rye whiskey.
Is it worth the price? That’s up to you to decide!
RATING: 79/1000

Ardbeg BizarreBQ

July is in full swing, which means it is grilling season! With it being as hot as it has been, a cold refreshing beer is probably the move when firing up the grill. However, we all know nothing pairs better with charred meats than a delicious whiskey! While any pour of your favorite dram will do, if you really want to elevate your barbecue experience, try Ardbeg BizarreBQ. As the name implies, this Islay Scotch has all the sweet, savory, and smoky notes that you will love, and is truly BBQ in a glass!


While we haven’t pushed any major features into the app recently, that doesn’t mean we’re asleep at the wheel. We’re working on back-end updates in preparation for a couple major upcoming changes. Thanks for your patience as we do this and stick around because the future is bright!

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