Delete Account
In order to delete your Abov App account, complete the following steps:
- Open up the Abov App and navigate to the Profile menu using the main footer menu options in the app.
- From the profile menu, select the gear icon in the upper right hand corner to open your profile settings.
- Navigate to the very bottom the settings screen, where you will find an option to “Permanently remove account”
- Confirm by pressing “OK”
By deleting your account, your profile will no longer be visible to other users, however any reviews or ratings previously left will still be viewable. If you wish to delete all collection, rating, review, and wishlist data from our servers, please contact us at and request that we “Delete All Account Data”. The Abov team will complete this request in 5 or fewer business days, and send a confirmation of the data deletion.
Please reach out to with any questions or concerns regarding account deletion.